Wowzer! Nearly two months since my last post! That's crazy. And not in a good way.
We were away up in Cairns in early June for my husband to compete in the Ironman with the Shining4Sharn team. If you have not seen Sharn's ahhh-mazing story, you can watch it here. Despite the relentless rain, I would live that day again and again a million times over, it was so inspirational and SO emotional to see Sharn and the team fulfill her dream to become an Ironman.
I have read a lot of late that planning and organisation are two very well honed skills of 'successful' people. I put that in inverted commas because I understand success is different things to different people. It is even many different things just to me. My point being that I can say I have been busy over the last couple of months, hence my absence, but it is really just a lame excuse. Yes I have been busy. However, I could have planned time into my schedule to blog, and just haven't. Even though I have missed blogging terribly and wanted to. Go figure. I know, my mind amazes me as well! I really do feel like a slow learner at times, but at least I am getting there...I think.
I find I can plan and feel oh so organised when I do and even prouder of myself when my days go according to said plan. Like yesterday. Bliss.
Then comes the goals. Of course, successful people also set goals. Mine? I am still working on the execution. I am going to do a separate post offering an update on my goal setting (now that we have reached the halfway mark of the year) and the challenges I am finding, so stay tuned for that one!
Just a short and sweet post today. I'm happy to let you know I haven't dropped off the perch, I'm still loitering about the place.
It is time to head off however, my schedule for today says so!
Have a great day y'all!
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